Why Choose MCHC?
High quality education at an affordable rate, that’s why! Not only does MCHC provide some of the least expensive live and online classes, we also provide affordable, educational, and some say fun conferences! With our conferences and seminars, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch topics with high quality instructors. The best part? We always throw in a little fun! Think about conferences you have experienced in the past, ever participate in “Dress like a Superhero Day?” Or start your morning with a
canvas painting of the Smoky Mountains? How about attending a coding conference on a cruise ship? These are only some of the fun activities that take place at our conferences.
In relation to our motto “Managing Medicine”, MCHC encompasses all areas of our business today. If you still aren’t sure, just ask our previous students! Michelle from Florida states, “I truly enjoyed the coding boot camp. It seemed to go so quickly and all the information was targeted. I feel confident that I will soon be able to add CPC to my credentials.” Donny from California states, “I just took the CPCO test last Saturday. Passed it on the first try. It really prepared me for the exam and what resources to bring to the
We have training for each area in the business of medicine. These include medical coding, medical auditing, healthcare compliance, risk adjustment, and healthcare management.
When you choose MCHC, you choose family. Here at MCHC we strive on providing the utmost best in regards to information, customer service and also price. MCHC provides high quality education at an affordable rate. Welcome to the MCHC family!