CPC Online Training - Medical Coding
Pay As You Go Option
Our online CPC medical coding training offers the student an opportunity to work at their own pace. The course provides a determined amount of time for each individual module. Review module details for time to complete. You will be assigned an online mentor to whom you can email any questions. Your mentor will be there every step of the way, to answer any questions, assist with certification strategies and provide feedback as requested. This type of customer service is one of the many reasons our students are so successful when it comes to passing the CPC certification exam.

Click on the link below for the section you wish to complete. Carefully note the amount of time provided to complete the section training.
Introduction to CPT and Modifiers
Evaluation & Management
Introduction to Surgery Coding
Musculoskeletal System
Respiratory System
Cardiovascular System
Digestive System
Urinary / Male Genital System / Female Genital System / Maternity Care
Endocrine and Nervous System
Eye, Ocular and Auditory
Pathology and Laboratory